[. . . ] Table of Contents Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Accessibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Installing the Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Installing. the. Battery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [. . . ] · When. you. dial. from. a. Caller. ID. record. or. store. a. Caller. ID. record. in. the. phonebook, . the. phone. dials. or. stores. the. digits. exactly. as. they. appear. on. the. display. . If. you. need. to. use. ten. digits, . be. sure. to. press. [#]. to. show. the. area. code. before. you. dial. or. store. the. number. . (See. page. 26. to. store. a. Caller. ID. record. in. the. phonebook. ) To. delete. only. one. Caller. ID. number, . press. [ ] when the phone is in standby, and then find the number you want to delete. . Press. [menu/select] and select DELETE ENTRY. To. delete. all. the. Caller. ID. numbers, . press. [ ]. when. the. phone. is. in. standby, . and. then. press. [menu/select]. . When. Notes:. ·. When. you. delete. a. Caller. ID. number, . you. delete. it. permanently. ·. Caller. ID. numbers. are. stored. separately. in. each. handset. . Deleting. a. record. from. one. handset. will. not. delete. the. record. from. any. other. handsets. Deleting Caller ID Numbers Using Caller ID, Call Waiting, and Redial Lists 35 If. you. have. Call. Waiting. service. and. a. second. call. comes. in. when. you. are. on. the. phone, . a. call. waiting. tone. will. sound. . Press. [ /flash]. on. the. handset. or. [flash]. on. the. base. to. accept. the. waiting. call. . There. is. a. short. pause, . and. then. you. will. hear. the. new. caller. . To. return. to. the. original. caller, . press. [ /flash]. on. the. handset. or. [flash]. on. the. base. Note:. You. must. subscribe. to. Call. Waiting. service. for. this. feature. to. operate. . Not. all. features. are. available. in. all. areas. You can quickly redial the last five numbers dialed on each handset or the last number dialed on the base. From the handset: ) With. the. phone. in. standby, . press. the. [redial/pause]. to. open. the. redial. list. 2) Use. [ ]. and. [ ]. or. [redial/pause]. to. scroll. through. the. redial. list. Notes: · If the number exceeds 32 digits, only the first 32 digits are retained in redial memory. ·. If. the. redial. memory. is. empty, . EMPTY. appears. in. the. display. and. you. will. hear. a. beep. ·. You. can. also. press. [ /flash]. or. [ ]. before. you. open. the. redial. list. . . Note: If the number exceeds 32 digits, only the first 32 digits will be dialed. Using Call Waiting Redialing a Number Deleting a Redial Record Using Caller ID, Call Waiting, and Redial Lists If. you. want. to. delete. a. phone. number. from. the. handset's. redial. list, . follow. the. steps. below: ) With. the. phone. in. standby, . press. [redial/pause]. 3) When you find the redial number you want to delete, press [menu/select]. and. select. DELETE. ENTRY. The redial number is deleted. 36 Adjusting the Ringer, Earpiece and Speaker Volume Adjusting the Ringer, Earpiece and Speaker Volume Adjusting the Ringer Volume You. can. choose. from. four. ringer. volume. settings. (off, . low, . medium, . and. high). ) With. the. phone. in. standby, . press. [ ]. or. [ ]. . The. station. sounds. the. ringer. at. 2) Use. [ ]. to. make. the. ringer. volume. louder. or. [ ]. to. make. it. softer. or. turn. it. 3) When. you. hear. the. ringer. volume. level. you. want. to. use, . stop. pressing. keys. . [. . . ] the. owner's. manual, . could. void. your. authority. to. operate. this. product. This. device. complies. with. part. 5. of. the. FCC. rules. . Operation. is. subject. to. the. following. two. conditions:. (). This. device. may. not. cause. harmful. interference, . and. (2). This. device. must. accept. any. interference. received, . [. . . ]